Prof Stephen Sturzenbaum BSc, PhD, DSc

Curriculum vitae:

I am the Programme Director and Admissions Tutor of the Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research (BMSR) MSc/MRes and Deputy Director of the MSci Biochemistry. I also lead numerous postgraduate modules of the BMSR MSc/MRes, Biochemistry MSci and the Molecular Genetics MSci.


Recipient of the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine "Student Support Award".

2020 - 2022:

Head of Department, Analytical, Environmental & Forensic Sciences.


Postgraduate (PhD) "Supervisory Excellence Award" (Faculty of Life Science & Medicine) and overall winner of the "King’s Supervisory Excellence Award" .

2017 - 2022:

Appointed: Waterloo Campus Dean (Health).

2016 - 2017:

"King's Futures" Leaders Programme.


DSc (Doctor of Science, a senior doctorate), Title: Toxicogenomics of Terrestrial Worms awarded by Cardiff University.


Professor of Toxicogenomics, Analytical and Environmental Sciences Division, King's College London.

2011 - 2012:

"HeadStart" a Academic Leadership Development Programme.


King's Graduate School "Supervisory Excellence Award" (SEA).

2011 - 2014:

Reader in Toxicogenomics, Analytical and Environmental Sciences Division, King's College London.

2007 -2011:

Member of the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) Peer Review College.


Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice (PGCAP), King's College London.

2008 - 2011:

Senior Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, King's College London.

2006 - 2008:

Royal Society University Research Fellow and Group Leader at King's College London, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division. Research interest: Functional control and molecular mechanisms of metal homeostasis in C.elegans.


Merit Award, Royal Society.


Royal Society MP-Scientist Pairing Scheme.


ILM Quality Assured Award: Fundamentals of Supervision.


Nicole and I got married on Hayman Island, Queensland, Australia (want proof?)

2001 - 2002:

Royal Society and DFG funded research visit (18 months): Institute of Neurogenetics, Munich, Germany. Topic: C.elegans Toxicogenomics (Host: Prof Baumeister).

2000 - 2006:

Royal Society University Research Fellow andGroup Leader at the School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK. Research interest: Functional control and molecular mechanisms of metal homeostasis in C.elegans.


Swiss Fellowship (6 months): Institute of Molecular Biology, Zurich, Switzerland. Topic: Invertebrate genomics and transcription factors (Host: Prof Schaffner).

1997 - 2000:

NERC Research Associate: School of Molecular and Medical Biosciences. Title: Functional characterization of earthworm metallothioneins.


Visiting Fellowship funded by the Dutch Government (4 months): Institute of Nematology, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Heat shock proteins in nematodes (Host: Prof Kammenga).

1995 - 1996:

NERC funded Research Assistantship: School of Molecular and Medical Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK. Molecular genetic responses of earthworms to heavy metals.

1994 - 1997:

Williams Scholarship for a Ph.D.: School of Molecular and Medical Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK. Title: Molecular genetic responses of earthworms to heavy metals.

1991 - 1994:

B.Sc. Ecology and Environmental Management: School of Pure and Applied Biology, Cardiff University, UK. Final year project: Ca and Sr relationship in earthworms.

1990 - 1991:

Months of hard work in a chocolate factory!


Abitur (A-levels) in Dahn, Germany.

I was born in London, UK on the 23/10/1970.